Thanks for your detailed answer, I will probably go with in-memory replication.
Regading your last question, I have one database instance sitting on
top of a 2 node DRBD.

2009/6/17 Christopher Schultz <>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Yves,
> On 6/17/2009 6:04 AM, Yves Glodt wrote:
>> In my setup are 4 apaches with mod_proxy which connect to 4 tomcats.
>> In front of the apaches is a hardware balancer which does
>> round-robin, but with a kind of sticky TCP-sessions, so mostly the
>> clients on the web stay on the same server. Mostly...
> Why not use mod_jk's session stickiness? The httpd server can be chosen
> randomly by the hw lb, but the "right" Tomcat always gets the request.
> Then, you can forget about session replication and get better
> performance. On the other hand, if your users cannot be expected to
> tolerate interruptions (due to a failing server) then you'll /have/ to
> go with some kind of replication.
>> To be completely safe and sleep well, I would like to replicate the
>> sessions now, and in the mentioned document I read that it is
>> possible using the PersistenceManager with JDBCStore.
> Just note that this is probably the slowest of the 3 options presented
> in the Replication HOWTO, since each session attribute will have to be
> retrieved from the database every time. Option #3 (in-memory
> replication) will probably be the fastest option for a cluster such as
> yours, especially if all the members of the cluster are on the same
> (real) network.
>> My question now: Is it enough to set up PersistenceManager with
>> JDBCStore on my 4 tomcats to use the same database/table as session
>> store ?
> It should be.
>> Or do I need to mess with ReplicationValve and jvmRoute set up as
>> well ?
> No, but I think using "real" replication will give you better performance.
>> I will put my server.xml at the end of the file, which is set up
>> with JDBCStore using a Firebird Database with JayBird.
> How are you sharing your database across your 4 Tomcat instances?
> - -chris
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