David Smith wrote:
> John Willemin wrote:
>> Tomcat 6.0.16
>> Linux 2.6.18
>> JDK 1.6.0_05
>> Imagine a webapp like this:
>> /index.jsp
>> -web.xml (of course)
>> -/classes
>> --ConfigFile.txt
>> -/lib
>> --MyConfigLoader.class
>> If I want to load ConfigFile.txt into an InputStream from inside my
>> webapp, all I have to do is this:
>> InputStream configStream =
>> this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/ConfigFile.txt");
>> In some cases, I may want to run multiple instances of the application but
>> have them share one copy of the configuration file. The idea is that I
>> only want to have to maintain one version of the config file per Tomcat
>> and have all the webapps use the same copy. If I put ConfigFile.txt inside
>> /tmp, for instance, this works fine:
>> InputStream configStream = new FileInputStream("/tmp/ConfigFile.txt");
>> But what I tried doing was, symbolically linking all the different webapps
>> to one copy of the file. In other words,
>> tomcat/webapps/myapp1/WEB-INF/classes/ConfigFile.txt and
>> tomcat/webapps/myapp2/WEB-INF/classes/ConfigFile.txt would just be
>> symlinks to /tmp/ConfigFile.txt.
>> When I do this, the input stream comes up null:
>> InputStream configStream =
>> this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/ConfigFile.txt");
>> I thought that symlinks were just treated like files, and that this should
>> just work. I stepped through org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
>> in the Eclipse debugger and I can't see anything that would obviously
>> prevent symlinks from working. But the only time that the ConfigFile.txt
>> shows up in the resourceEntries Map as a ResourceEntry is when I have the
>> file physically inside WEB-INF/classes - never when it is only a symlink.
>> I have googled many combinations of
>> java/linux/classloader/tomcat/symlink/symbolic link/classpath and not
>> found anything quite like this yet.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks!
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> If you look at all the third party repackages of tomcat that fail,
> you'll see a theme -- symlinks cause problems in java.  I would highly
> recommend you find a way to maintain that config file via the build
> system and have a copy in each of the webapps.  Either that or put a
> copy in tomcat's lib folder where it becomes accessible to all webapps
> in the environment.
> --David

Ooops ... I mean tomcat's common classes folder.   See the classloader
docs for your version of tomcat for details of where that is and/or what
needs to be configured to enable it.


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