dori wrote:
Hello everyone.
What would be the best way or a good way to monitor topcat, so i could see
when and where any errors are originating from, say if 10 people an hour are
getting a certain http error code then I can work out why and enable me to
see how much load tomcat is under and how it's performing?

I found Lambaprobe but it dosent seem to have been updated in 3 years and im
not sure about it supporting tomcat 6.

To paraphrase, how do you know when it's time (or nearly time) to upgrade
your Tomcat set up (vertical, horizontal, whatever)

Thanks for any (much needed) advice...


Tomcat monitoring for the Poor Man...

Here's my approach:

The Tomcat application generates counter/gauge information about the JVM state as well about "business" values, possibly using a separate thread. These are written to the database or exported through a servlet which can be queried by HTTP.

I then use a homemade script to fetch and preprocess and RRDtool to graph the state of the JVM or the other values of interest.

This involves some tedious setup work, but can give results of interest (e.g. I see when it is time to restart Tomcat because of a memory leak etc)

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