Here is one alternative:
use a servlet that will handle all the illegal accessed files by define
corresponding servlet-mapping in web.xml.
eg.mapping ErrorServlet to /code dir,and return error code SC_FORBIDDEN

2009/7/23 Andre-John Mas <>

> On 22-Jul-2009, at 22:36, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
>  On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Andre-John Mas<>
>> wrote:
>>  .... I want to ensure that someone typing:
>>>  http://../webapp/module/jsp/abc.jsp
>>> won't be able to access the resource. I know I could put the JSPs in
>>> (it is what I do now), though I am wanting to explore another way of
>>> organising and grouping related resource, for easier management.
>> Uh, say what? It's easier to manage "put stuff in directory A" versus
>> "put stuff in directory B"?
>> Why not make your life easy and leave it in WEB-INF???
> I probably will, though I was wanting to examine the alternatives.
> Andre
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