Anisha Parveen -X (anparvee - Infosys at Cisco) wrote:
>  I want to configure SSL mode in my tomcat. I have cross checked my
> configurations with the default ss.conf. Everything seems fine.
>  But https://localhost  does not work. I use mod_jk for apache-tomcat
> connection. I am a beginner here and dont have much knowledge on same.
>  Kindly let me know how to check what is the issue. I have followed the
> steps for SSL certificates and have obtained them.


unfortunately you're missing quite a lot of information that would be
needed for anyone to help you. The first one is versions of Tomcat and
Apache you have installed. Different versions require different configurations,
so without version information it's impossible to provide good answers.

>  If some one could point me to a working configuration sample/ tutorial,
> i t would be highly useful for me to figure out what went wrong..

I would think these could be located with your preferred search engine
(although I do admit that there are also tutorials with incomplete and/or
misleading instructions). The recommended place to start would be the
documentation available with the software (so, Apache and Tomcat on-line

Note though, that if you have Apache as the frontend, then what you're
looking for is instructions for configuring Apache httpd for SSL
connections, and this has nothing to do with Tomcat.

Also, a good way to get help is to tell what exactly you have tried,
and in what way it does not work.

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