Moderating comment :


it is true that this list tends to be a bit more rough than other ones I'm also subscribed to. Some of the most knowledgeable people here - and most helpful in the end - tend to not suffer fools gladly.
(This last not implying that you would be one).

Maybe it's something that comes with this Java thing, classloaders and all that.

The flip side is that the information which you get here tends to be more accurate and to the point (with a notable exception happening from time to time).

About your own post which triggered this :

As they say in my region of Germany :

plus punkt : you made the effort to post to share your experience and tried to provide information to others, which is commendable, and which many people don't do.

minus punkt : apparently, you did not check your facts completely before posting them. (I say apparently because I have personally no idea, but I trust the guys here who said you didn't).

One of the reasons you got (mildly and figuratively) slapped for it, is that the gurus here, being rough but accurate, do not want approximative information to disinform unsuspecting other users, who may look at what is published here as gospel.

No personal offence was ever meant.
(Which is not to say that it is never meant. Some posters sometimes deserve it.)

So, my recommendation would be to stick around a bit more, it's worth it. And of course Tomcat is miles ahead of Jetty.

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