Mark Thomas wrote:
>> ------- Original Message -------
>> From: "Payne, George (ghp5h)" <>
>> I still don't know the answer to the questions I originally posed below, if 
>> anyone can help, I'd very much appreciate it.
> If I produced a binary patch for 6.0.20 and instructions on how to install it 
> would you be able to test it for us? Positive feedback would greatly increase 
> the chances of this patch getting into the 6.0.x branch.

George replied off-list that he would be willing to test this. So for
George and anyone else that wants to test this you'll need to do the

1. Understand that this is development code, made available for testing
purposes. In no way should this be construed to be any form of ASF release.

2. Download and install Tomcat 6.0.20.

3. Create the following directory structure under CATALINA_HOME/lib:

4. Download this file:
and place it in the CATALINA_HOME/lib/org/apache/catalina/realm
directory you just created.

5. Re-read point 1 :)

6. Configure your JNDI realm as normal. There are some extra options.
Read through the code:
to see what they are.

6. Start Tomcat

7. Let us know how you get on.


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