André Warnier wrote:
> Michael Ludwig wrote:
>> Christopher Schultz schrieb:
>>> When chunked encoding is being used, HTTP allows you to include
>>> "headers" after the response by including a "final chunk" with more
>>> headers for the previous chunk.
> I am well aware of that, at the HTTP level.
> However, the Servlet Spec seems to say that a Servlet Container has to
> act in a different way.
> So the question might be, really, in this case, whether Tomcat is
> primarily a servlet Container respecting the Servlet Spec, or whether it
> is primarily a HTTP server respecting the HTTP spec.
> I mean that if Tomcat allowed the output of a header after the response
> is committed, then it would be in clear violation of the aforementioned
> Servlet Spec blurb, no ?
> I am not leaning one way or another personally, I just wanted to point
> out where a doubt may exist.

Whilst the Servlet spec does appear to prevent Tomcat providing support
for trailer headers, I would be +1 for a configuration option to enable
them (probably enabled by default since I think having them is pretty
harmless). Anyone feel like writing a patch?


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