You might be able to replace jasper-el.jar and have it work, but what needs changed? That'll require some digging. (It might even require changing jsp-api.jar)


Jess Holle wrote:
That's unfortunate.

One can apparently drop this upgrade into Glassfish. I don't, however, need Glassfish -- just a servlet engine. Nor do I need most Servlet 3.0 stuff at this time. A better Tomcat 6 would be nice, though :-)

Tim Funk wrote:
I doubt this will be seen in tomcat 6. The closest you'll get are the function taglibs functionality.


Jess Holle wrote:
I note in that in JEE 6 EL finally allows method invocations.

Is there any chance this feature can be used in JSPs in Tomcat 6 today? If so, how?

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