javier.rivas wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a few applications that share the same server.xml and all of them
> start tomcat, but some use only a few webapps.
> I want to reduce the startup time for these applications that only use a
> couple of webapps, so I was wondering if there is any way to set a flag to
> tell tomcat not to start a web applications that is present in server.xml
> Maybe something like: 
>  <Context path="/ops" docBase="${APP_HOME}/webapps/webapps/ops/" debug="0"
> start="false"/> 

Set autoDeploy and deployOnStartup to false for the host and then just
comment out the unwanted contexts in server.xml. With both of these set
to false, the only contexts that will ever be deployed are those listed
in server.xml.

> I am using tomcat 5.0.30

The 5.0.x branch has been unsupported for some time. You should consider
upgrading to 5.5.x or better still 6.0.x.


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