I'm writing a webapp where users can extends forms. A form extension is a bean and two jsp part (one for the form and one for the view) these files are bondled into a Jar. Now I'm trying to serve the two Jsp parts but I always fail.

What I want is to read and respond the content of an archived file "/\dev\temp\extensions\formXX.jar!parts/form.jsp/" but each technologies who I try to use (Spring, DWR special classes) never allow me to provide an /InputStream/ but always an url. So I suppose that only the server can read a file from the filesystem and I need to know if she is a way to provide another "connector" or extend a class who allow me to read files from a Jar.
Have you considered using Velocity instead of JSPs? There's support for various resource loaders in Velocity:

Mikolaj Rydzewski <>

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