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André and Adam,

On 8/19/2009 3:53 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> I'll just venture another explanation :
> - considering that it seems that at least 50% of the posters here who
> use Apache httpd in front of Tomcat, end up proxying everything to
> Tomcat anyway..

This may or may not be true. I have seen a lot of configurations (mine
included) where the pass-throughs look like this:

JkMount /context/*.jsp worker
JkMount /context/j_security_check worker

Instead of:

JkMount /context worker
JkMount /context/* worker

> - considering this problem happens on the login page, which users get -
> presumably - when they are not logged in yet..
> - isn't the problem then that the images in question are in a server
> area that (also) requires authentication, and since the user at that
> point is not (yet) authenticated, he doesn't get the images ?
> (probably getting instead other copies of the login pages for those links)

Possibly. If the images are protected, you will certainly have this
problem. The OP said that a RELOAD fixed the images, though, so I think
the problem was that Apache httpd /was/ configured to serve images, and
the ;jsessionid parameter was present because, at the login screen, the
server doesn't yet know if the client will send cookies.

> - which would explain that when the user is authenticated and presses
> the "reload" key, then he gets the images.

The OP didn't say anything about post authentication. My bet is on

- -chris
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