says, after I removed some unimportant stuff and added 
some yellow to highlight:
Context elements 
may be explicitly defined: 
In individual files (with a ".xml" extension) 
in the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ 
directory. The name of the file (less the .xml 
extension) will be used as the context path. Multi-level context paths 
may be defined using #, e.g. foo#bar.xml for a context path of 
/foo/bar. The default web 
application may be defined by using a file called ROOT.xml.
In addition to explicitly specified Context elements, 
there are several techniques by which Context elements can be created 
automatically for you. See Automatic 
Application Deployment and User 
Web Applications for more information.

says, after I removed some unimportant stuff and added 
some yellow to highlight:
Automatic Application 
If you are using the standard Host implementation, the following 
actions take place automatically when Catalina is first started, if the 
deployOnStartup property is set to 
true (which is the default 
Any XML file in the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[engine_name]/[host_name] 
directory is assumed to contain a Context 
element (and its associated subelements) for a single web application. The 
docBase attribute of this 
<Context> element will 
typically be the absolute pathname to a web application directory, or the 
absolute pathname of a web application archive (WAR) file (which will not be 
expanded). The path attribute will be 
automatically set as defined in the Context 
documentation. (i.e., as in the above Context info)
Any subdirectory within the application base directory will receive 
an automatically generated Context 
element, even if this directory is not mentioned in the conf/server.xml file. 
The context path for this deployed Context will be a 
slash character ("/") followed by the directory name, unless the 
directory name is ROOT, in which case the context path will be an empty string 
(""). Multi-level contexts may be defined by using #, eg use a directory named 
foo#bar for a context path of 
Bottom line is it seems the context path will come from 
either the name of the context xml file of the web app (if there is one), or 
from the directory holding the web app (if there is no context xml file and 
tomcat automatically created the context).  Thus setting the path in the 
context xml 
file does not do anything.
Is this correct?  


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