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On 8/24/2009 1:13 PM, George Sexton wrote:
> The way I do this is by using a CATALINA_HOME/CATALINA_BASE
> structure.


This is a great idea that I didn't even realize I have been doing for
years. We adopt this strategy because we have multiple applications
running in separate JVM/Tomcat instances, and it also really helps for
development, too.

The fact that upgrades are fairly painless hadn't really even occurred
to me.

Each separate Tomcat has its own conf/server.xml, though, so you'll
still have to merge those together when you upgrade. It should be
relatively easy to do, though.

> If you're using log4j, it gets a little sticky because you have to
> put some property files in the common/classes directory and put
> log4j.jar in common/lib (at least in 5.5.27). I think you might be
> able to get around this by doing some edit to the common loader entry
> in catalina.properties, but I haven't had a chance to test it.

I think the same is true with shared JDBC libraries. I haven't bothered
to check if the CATALINA_BASE/common/lib (and friends) are actually
merged-together with the CATALINA_HOME/common/lib (and friends) because
the JDBC library is the only case where we have to deal with this. If
they /are/ automatically merged, then you can probably just make sure
they stay with the individual /instance/ of Tomcat and not have to mess
with the /shared/ one at all.

> At any rate, I like this approach because you don't have to worry
> about finding and disabling all sample installations, admin apps,
> etc.


- -chris
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