Bill, Thanks for your prompt response.
I see that it will be available in Tomcat 6.0.21 onwards. Do you know when will 
it be available for download ?

Also, does it resolve the 8k size limit on AJP connector or if there is a way 
around it ?
We are using Soap headers and with cert-chain I am thinking this will be a big 
issue !


A t u l

From: Bill Barker <>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:40:14 PM
Subject: Re: Client SSL certificate chain in Tomcat 6 when using AJP

"atul" <> wrote in message
> I've a setup where Apache 2.2 is fronting Tomcat 6.0.20. They are talking 
> AJP/1.3
> Using mod_proxy_ajp.
> I've a URL protected by client SSL. Apache prompts for client certificate 
> and I can get to the cert in my webapp (servlet).
> However, when the cert have intermediate CAs, I still only get the leaf 
> cert and Not the cert-chain in my tomcat webapp !
> Could not find a setting on apache (mod_proxy_ajp) to send cert-chain.
> And even if it did, the tomcat code looks like it only wants to get single 
> cert!
> org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext public void action(ActionCode actionCode, 
> Object param) {...
>        } else if( actionCode==ActionCode.ACTION_REQ_SSL_ATTRIBUTE ) {
>            Request req=(Request)param;
>            // Extract SSL certificate information (if requested)
>            MessageBytes certString = 
> (MessageBytes)req.getNote(WorkerEnv.SSL_CERT_NOTE);
>            if( certString != null && !certString.isNull() ) {
>                ByteChunk certData = certString.getByteChunk();
>                ByteArrayInputStream bais =
>                    new ByteArrayInputStream(certData.getBytes(),
>                                             certData.getStart(),
>                                             certData.getLength());
>                // Fill the first element.
>                X509Certificate jsseCerts[] = null;
>                try {
>                    CertificateFactory cf =
>                        CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
>                    X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)
>                        cf.generateCertificate(bais);
>                    jsseCerts =  new X509Certificate[1];
>                    jsseCerts[0] = cert;
>                } catch( e) {
>                    log.error("Certificate convertion failed" , e );
>                    return;
>                }
>>>> Can possibly change it to something like (assuming the cert-chain gets 
>>>> passed in       WorkerEnv.SSL_CERT_NOTE)
>            Collection <? extends Certificate> certCollection = 
> cf.generateCertificates(bais);
>            X509Certificate [] certs = new 
> X509Certificate[certCollection.size()];
>            int i = 0;
>            for (Certificate cert: certCollection) {
>                certs[i] = (X509Certificate)cert;
>                i++;
>            }
> I tried it w/ Tomcat 5.5.27 as well with similar result.
> Also, tried with original Java connector 
> org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandle & the new 
> org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpProtocol with similar results.
> Seems like a bug ?? Or am I missing anything ?

Yes, it's a bug. Specifically  With mod_jk, the
"JkOptions     +ForwardSSLCertChain" directive works.  I'm too lazy to see 
if it has been implemented in mod_proxy_ajp.

> Any prompt help is appreciated.
> Thanks

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