atroiano wrote:
> Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
>> This is a question that you will have to answer: what information is
>> absolutely necessary for you to resume a user interaction in-progress?
>> Whatever that is, you'll need to include that information in every
>> single link that a user can click on (or in every form they can submit).
> The problem is that to resume a user interaction in-progress  after a
> re-login
> I need informations binded as attributes in the expired session.
> After a re-login I would like to 'resume' old session instead of to use e
> new empty one.
> Is it possible?

The way you describe? No.

If you want this then you have a couple of options:
a) Do what Chris said and pass state back and forth in the request/repsonse
b) Buy more memory and have longer session expiration times
c) Look into using the persistent session manager


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