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On 9/21/2009 4:12 PM, btodd_22 wrote:
> I am using Suse 11.1 with apache tomcat/5.5.9.

FWIW, that version of Tomcat is quite old. The latest stable 5.5 version
is 5.5.28. You should upgrade as soon as it is convenient for you. Be
sure to read all the release notes for possibly breaking changes between
5.5.9 and 5.5.28 before you do!

> Now my frustrating issue is that I was testing a web app in the
> morning, went and took my lunch break and now after i got back from
> lunch i tried to get back on to this same web app and tomcat said it
> couldn't find this web app.

How did you elicit such a response from Tomcat? Did you browse the
deployed webapps in the manager app? Did you try to access the webapp
from a URL such as http://host/webapp/some.jsp?

When Tomcat "said it couldn't find this web app", how did it tell you
that? In a log file? In a browser window? Via SMS?

I'm really not just picking nits: knowing with some degree of precision
what is actually happening will help us diagnose your problem much more

> So i went to look for it and sure enough it was missing.

The WAR file was missing? The deployment directory was missing?

> I have several web apps on here but this is the only one that is
> completely gone and there is no reason for it.

Are you the only one with access to this machine? Did you leave your
terminal logged-in?

> There was no restart of tomcat for the time i was gone, no deletion of
> the WAR file, no renaming or moving of the file, no nothing.

If the WAR file is still there, when what is "sure enough missing" above?

> So far i have looked in all logs that are in the /var/log/ and on the
> tomcat side have also looked in my catilina.out file and in my
> tomcat/config file for any thing that could have triggered something
> like this.

Nothing about a restart or undeployment? Hmm...

I don't mean to sound insulting, but are you sure you're still looking
at the same Tomcat instance and/or the right log files?

You did have a back up of this WAR file, right?

- -chris
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