On 09/23/2009 10:13 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>> Just wondering if this problem has been reported:
>> URL: http://localhost/admin
>> 1) The Login.jpg image is not appearing, and the
>>      Login/Password inputboxes are a bit off center
>>      and to the right.
>> 2) After logging in successfully, one is taken to:
>>     URL: http://localhost:8080/admin/images/LoginBackgroundTile.gif
>>     and a single square tile appears, top-left corner and nothing
>>     else appears.  Expected to be redirected to admin tool page
>>     and that did not happen.
>> 3) After step (2), manually tying in URL: http://localhost/admin
>>      routes to URL: http://localhost:8080/admin/frameset.jsp
>>      and all of the images are appearing correctly and
>>      the admin tool appears to function, but I have not tested
>>      the admin tools thoroughly.
>> Seems that the admin login mechanism is somewhat broken?
> Nope. Looks like your reverse proxy config is broken.
> Mark
Why do I need a reverse proxy?  I am running Tomcat as
a standalone local server and have no need to run Tomcat
behind Apache or some other frontend webserver and I am
using Netbeans for development/testing purposes.

As far as I can tell, my JSP applications runs fine.  It's
just that out of curiosity that I looked into admin page
and it seems a bit messed up, but once logged in although
weirdly, just by reentering the admin at the URL line the
second time seems to get correctly routed.

Seems strange to me...


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