Here is one function that always crash. The portion of the code that couse the crash in my opinion is the if which has malloc. I noticed it crash whenever it is called with the same srcFile and dstFile

int reduce_quality(const char * srcFile, const char * dstFile, int maxSize){

struct stat info;

stat(srcFile, &info);

if (info.st_size <= maxSize){//it is already small enough!! so just copy it

return copy_file(srcFile, dstFile);


char * tmpFile = NULL;

if (strcmp(srcFile, dstFile)==0){

tmpFile = (char *) malloc(sizeof(srcFile)+1);

strcpy(tmpFile, srcFile);


copy_file(srcFile, tmpFile);

srcFile = tmpFile;


int quality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;

long targetSize;

long lastTargetSize = 0;

int ret = False;

do {

ret = reduce_quality_to(srcFile, dstFile, quality);

if (ret == False) break;

stat(dstFile, &info);

targetSize = info.st_size;

if (targetSize == lastTargetSize) {

ret = reduce_quality_to(srcFile, dstFile, quality + DECREASE_QUALITY_LEVEL);



lastTargetSize = targetSize;


} while (quality > 0 && targetSize > maxSize);

if (quality == 0)

fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't reach desired size %d for %s\n", maxSize, dstFile);





return ret;


JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_vehicle_netapp_backend_objects_photo_PhotoOperations_reduceQuality

(JNIEnv * env, jobject jobj, jstring src, jstring dst, jint maxSize){

jboolean iscopy;

const char *srcFile = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, src, &iscopy);

const char *dstFile = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, dst, &iscopy);

int ret = reduce_quality(srcFile, dstFile, maxSize);

(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, src, srcFile);

(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, dst, dstFile);

return ret;


----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Schultz" <>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: JNI problem

Hash: SHA1


On 10/7/2009 10:40 AM, Mohamedin wrote:
Dear all,

I am trying to use a JNI library written by me that uses
GraphicsMagick wand. It is working fine as a stand alone java
application but when I tried to use it in tomcat it give me this error
and tomcat crashed.

Technically speaking, the JVM has crashed, not Tomcat.

I am running on:

Tomcat 6.0.20
CATALINA_OPTS => "-server -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/shared/lib/:/usr/local/lib/"

Please help

*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/java: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x00007f5614455720 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

Since your code is definitely involved, here (the stack trace above
shows 4 layers of your code before glibc is involved), I suspect your
code is to blame for this problem.

Tomcat does not use any native code directly (except for tcnative if you
are using that). Are you using tcnative? If so, disable it and re-try to
convince yourself that this is not a Tomcat problem. I'm not saying it
is definitely /not/ a Tomcat problem, but chances are that it's your
code at fault.

My experience with native code from Java is that when memory corruption
is found in one instance but not another and the code is the same, then
there is probably some bug in your code that is sensitive to re-location
of your code within memory. That is, you are making assumptions about
your environment that are not valid when running from within a JVM (or
they work sometimes, but not other times because more code gets loaded
when running under an app server).

How much of your JNI code are you willing to post? Typically, one
develops a native library that has nothing to do with Java, and then
writes a Java wrapper around that code which is little more than the
plumbing necessary to convert data between Java-style objects, arrays,
etc. and C-style data structures. Have you done that? If so, go ahead
and post the JNI-specific layer.

If not, I think you're playing with fire by writing a native library
that does a great deal of Java interaction.

- -chris
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