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On 10/9/2009 7:30 AM, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:
> Learning about the finalization of moving taglib from jakarta to
> tomcat, one could also learn that the BSF taglib got retired in the
> process.


> AFAIK the BSF taglib has been allowing one to add code in all of the
> BSF supported scripting languages to JSPs. Not knowing, wheter there
> are alternatives available in the current Tomcat

Tomcat itself contains little in the way of tag libraries, except for
the JSTL required by the JSP 2.1 specification (and higher).

> In case the BSF taglib is needed for adding scripts in scripting 
> languages to JSPs, I would kindly suggest to not retire it, but to
> keep it available for interested parties in the Tomcat realm.

So, let me clear a few things up:

1. The Tomcat team didn't retire the BSF tag library. The Jakarta BSF
tag library folks retired it. You should complain to them.

2. The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) never deletes code forever. Just
because it's retired doesn't mean it's no longer available: it just
means that they will no longer be maintaining it by adding features,
fixing bugs, or answering questions about it.

Note that the jakarta-taglibs-BSF project hadn't had a news announcement
since 2002, so it was pretty much already dead.

> In case there are alternatives available in Tomcat to the BSF taglib,
> please be so kind and point them out (just short pointers would
> suffice!).

What is it that you are trying to do, exactly? It's possible that simply
using the BSF library directly (without a tag library) is your best
option. There was a fad for a while where everything was being wrapped
into a tag library and JSP was starting to look like ColdFusion. CF was
eventually re-implemented in Java using JSP tag libraries so I guess JSP
had the last laugh.

I never thought non-UI-related tag libraries had any business existing
because I firmly believe in separation between model/controller and
view: the view simply should not be sending emails, communicating with
databases (at least not directly), sending JMS messages, or copying
files around.

If you want to use another scripting language to generate content, then
why bother with JSP in the first place? Why not use a tool geared
towards allowing you to use your scripting-language of choice outside of
a JSP context?

- -chris
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