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On 10/9/2009 9:24 AM, VijayKS wrote:
> I installed the exe version of tomcat 4.1 .
> There is no catalina.log files present.
> "localhost_log.2009-10-09.txt" This is the file name is in 
> C:\tomcat4.1\logs\ folder.
> But the System.out. messages not written in this file and it is written in
> console window

As Andre points out, Tomcat 4.1 is quite old. You really should upgrade
unless you have an absolutely requirement to use this version. Any such
requirement should be immediately re-considered as no further bug and
security fix versions will be produced for that version.

On the other hand, Tomcat is behaving exactly as expected, as described
by Chuck: on Windows, stdout goes to the console.

Tomcat itself writes very little to stdout, so that shouldn't be a
problem. In order to capture stdout for your own webapp, you can set:

<Context swallowOutput="true" ...

This will redirect this output to the webapp's logger, whatever that is.

On the other hand, you should probably be running Tomcat as a service,
using the service wrapper that came with your EXE distribution. The
service wrapper should redirect console output to a file of your
choosing, and the default should be logs/catalina.out.

- -chris
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