Johan Ström wrote:
> Hello list!
> First of all, this maybe better suited for the dev list, but a quick
> peek only showed svn log mails etc soo.. Sending here instead, let me
> know if its wrong!

It is 50/50. The patch is of more interest to the dev list but if the
patch is rejected then the users list is the best place to get ideas
about other ways of doing things. The mailing lists block most patches
so an enhancement request in Bugzilla is the best place for your patch.

Without seeing the patch it is hard to comment but SRV.7.1 makes it
clear that cookies override URL parameters. It doesn't make a comment on
what if the cookie session is invalid and the URL one not. There might
be some scope for flexibility here.

> We're having a problem related to Tomcat, in a pretty unusual scenario.
> Basicly the problem is with old expired sessions, and reading session ID
> from URL instead of cookie.
> An example, in our case browser A is a main browser, and browser B is a
> slave "browser" (actually only a webkit rendering engine) which we only
> call with an URL to show a specific page, and we do not have control
> over cookies in browser B.

Any way to "close" "browser B"? That should delete the session cookie.

> So, browser B sends both the old session ID in the cookie (which is an
> expired session), and the new sessionid on the URL. This confuses tomcat.
> In catalina/connector/ and CoyoteAdaptor, we first check for
> a sessino ID on the URL, store it in Request, and then we check for  a
> cookie, and if we got one, we just overwrite the session ID from the URL.
> My solution? The attached patch!
> Now, what I'd like to know, can anyone of you developers see any nasty
> side effects that I might have missed about this?

In principle, it sounds OK but I'd want to see the patch first. If it
were implemented, then it would go into Tomcat 7 and may not be
back-ported to earlier versions. It may also be made optional.

Keep in mind that session handling is more configurable in the Servlet
3.0 spec (not that I think it helps with this issue) and that changing
the session ID on authentication to protect against session fixation is
an open enhancement request that should also get included in Tomcat 7.

> One thing that was concerned about was that it would introduce session
> hijacking risks, but the only difference is that the evildoer have to
> erase his (already expired) cookie.. Normal tomcat accepts jsessionid on
> URL anyway, as long as there is no cookie, so that should not be a
> security concern.



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