2009/10/15 Ken Johanson <tomcat-u...@kensystem.com>

> SEVERE: Error starting endpoint
> java.lang.Exception: Socket bind failed: [98] Address already in use
>        at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.AprEndpoint.init(AprEndpoint.java:612)
> ..
> (no listener is actually running on 98; this is just generic Sun msg when
> not allowed to bind to prv'd port)

98 is the errno (EADDRINUSE), not the port.  The error message doesn't list
which port failed.

> Is there a configuration to change the port that APR uses from 98 to a
> non-privileged (>1024) one?

APR doesn't use any ports other than the ones you configure in your
connectors.  Something is holding onto one of the ports you want.  Check
what ports Tomcat wants, and check there isn't another process running on
the box that is using one of them - it might even be an old Tomcat.  Don't
forget to check the shutdown port (8005 by default), although from the stack
trace it looks like the problem port is a connector, not the shutdown port.

> PS - Connector.xml excerpts:
>    <Connector
>               protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol"
>               port="8443"
>               enableLookups="false"
>               SSLEnabled="true"
>               scheme="https"
>               secure="true"
>               SSLCertificateFile="${catalina.base}/conf/cert.crt"
>               SSLCertificateKeyFile="${catalina.base}/conf/cert.key"
>               disableUploadTimeout="true"
>    />
>    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener"
> SSLEngine="on" />

Any other connectors defined?

- Peter

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