2009/10/16 Avijit Dutta <avijit.du...@honeywell.com>

> We have installed tomcat

Which version, please?

> in a linux machine, and when we invoke http://<linux
> machine ip>:8080/ from that linux machine, it is showing properly.
> But, when we try to access the same URL from another machine in the same
> LAN, then nothing is coming up.
> Please help.
> The 2nd machine is able to ping the linux machine's IP.
> Also. firewall is disabled.

Let's get rid of the three obvious ones first: binding to a particular
address, odd firewall settings on the test client, and odd browser settings
on the test client.

1) Run "netstat -an | grep 8080" on the Tomcat server.  Is Tomcat bound to
*:8080, or is there a specific IP address instead of *?  If there's a
specific address, you may want to change your connector settings.

2) From the test client, run "telnet <linux machine ip> 8080".  Do you get a
connection?  Is the connection refused quickly?  Or does the connection fail
slowly?  If you get a connection using telnet, check your browser settings
on the test client - particularly proxy settings.  If the connection fails
slowly, check the firewall on the test client (or you may already know that
it's disabled).

Oh, and 3) are you *absolutely* sure the Tomcat server is allowing the
traffic in and out, and there are no odd remnants of firewall rules lying

- Peter

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