larrydlefever wrote:
a lot of things which I generally support.

It's been a while since I've ranted here about Tomcat logging methodology, but I feel this may be the right moment to recant (on my non-ranting I mean) and support your posting.
(And sorry to hijack a bit, I'll start a new thread if you wish so).

In my humble opinion, the way Tomcat currently (since v 5.5 or so) implements logging, may be perfectly sane, logical, flexible, easy-to-understand and perfect for a confirmed java webapp developer, but it is everything but for people who just want to install and manage Tomcat servers (and apps on them which they themselves did not write) without needing to dig deep into Java and log4j meandres.

As a sysadmin, I feel that it is a bit mightmarish to have miscellaneous application developers (of miscellaneous applications needing to be installed and run on my Tomcat servers) deciding all by themselves where their individual apps will do their logging, without giving me (apparently) any way to restore some order into that chaos.

From a system setup and management point of view, I feel a deep nostalgy for Tomcat 4.x's <Logger> elements, which allowed one to catch and redirect all this stuff to the file one wanted, at the level one wanted. Now the mechanism behind the <Logger> may have been technically unsatisfactory deep down, but it sure was easier to set up than the current ones. Why is this stuff so easy for instance with Apache httpd, and apparently so hard with Tomcat ?

What I would like for instance, is to decide that this here Tomcat logs all startup and errors and warnings and everything to this one single logfile (/var/log/tomcat6/errors.log e.g.), and be done with it, no matter what these funny guys defined and packed as classes and properties files in their webapp war's. That's because I am responsible for the server's health, and I am the one that has to get up at 3:00 AM when it doesn't work and find the problem, and I do not want to go scout throughout the system for logfiles.
So how do I do that ?

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