On 20/10/2009 19:02, ULS Tech Support wrote:
Tell me how i hijacked my own thread?

As I described.  See?

This is my own thread.. and i actually modified the last one i sent out,
cleared everything and typed out brand new.

Umm, yes, that would be what we call hijacking.
You hijacked a thread, then did it again to 'your' new thread.

Unless I'm much mistaken you responded to the inestimable Bill Davidson's first "DBCP woes (running out of cursors)" email.

Just because you changed the subject and/or body, doesn't mean you started a new thread. Look at the mail headers, or use a mail reader that supports threaded views to see it.


Thanks for the help.

From: "Pid" <p...@pidster.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 6:11 AM
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Another issue, jTDS with Tomcat 5.5.9

On 16/10/2009 22:04, ULS Tech Support wrote:
Hi there,

Please start a completely new email for each thread. Replacing the
subject line doesn't count, it's called thread hijacking.


Tomcat 5.5.9, using jTDS, with SQL Server 2005 i am getting this issue.

2009/10/16 10:47:15 - sql exception:java.sql.SQLException: No current
row in the ResultSet.

This issue doesn't happen with TWFreeTDS (in fact, when i switch to
twfreetds it works fine).. but from my research so far, i may have been
wrong in the way i implemented it.

Here is the code.

public Vector queryPaged4(String strTableExt) throws SQLException {
boolean rc = true;

ResultSet rs_info = null;
boolean bTest = false;
DBItems temp = null;

//New **********
/* This will call a stored procedure, pass in the page # and
number to display on each page and will return the results

CallableStatement call = dbConn.prepareCall("{call sp_PagedItems4
call.setString(1, strTableExt);
call.setString(2, filter);
call.setString(3, order);
call.setInt(4, pageNumber);
call.setInt(5, recsPerPage);

if (!call.execute())//Query
//No ResultSets Returned;
} else {

try {
rs_info = call.getResultSet();

//Save the total number of records (value) in queryPagedRecords
queryPagedRecords = rs_info.getInt("TotalRec");
queryPagedMore = rs_info.getInt("MoreRecords");
nLowestID = rs_info.getInt("FirstRec");
nHighestID = rs_info.getInt("LastRec");

if (queryPagedRecords > 0) {
//Test for another resultset.
boolean bTest = false;
bTest = call.getMoreResults();
//Next resultset established, let's get the data!
dbResultSet = call.getResultSet();

while (dbResultSet.next()) {
//System.out.println("2: " + dbResultSet.getInt("ID"));
rc = true;

//Set the items object based on the resultset.
temp = this.setItemsObject(true, dbResultSet);

} catch (SQLException e) {
System.out.println("SQLException: " + e);
System.out.println("SQLException Message: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
rs_info = null;
temp = null;
dbResultSet = null;

return dbRecords;

Basically i'm getting the resultsets, but i'm not able to pull the data
from the resultsets as i get the error when i try and getInt.

Does anyone have any clue on why this is happening, or how i can make
this work?

I did try and modify the code to the following to see if it helped, but
again, i'm still stumped on HOW to retrieve the data from the

try {
int updateCount = 0;
updateCount = call.getUpdateCount();
System.out.println("update count = " + updateCount);
boolean moreResults = true;
while (updateCount >= 0 || moreResults) {
if (!moreResults) {
// just eat it
updateCount = call.getUpdateCount();
System.out.println("\nupdateCount= " + updateCount);
} else {
// get the data
if (rs_info == null) {
rs_info = call.getResultSet();
} else {
dbResultSet = call.getResultSet();

//Save the total number of records (value) in queryPagedRecords
System.out.println("Got Data, how to process??");
} // if ! moreResults else
moreResults = call.getMoreResults();
System.out.println("More Results??");
} // while

System.out.println("Lets get data from rs_info");
queryPagedRecords = rs_info.getInt("TotalRec");
queryPagedMore = rs_info.getInt("MoreRecords");
nLowestID = rs_info.getInt("FirstRec");
nHighestID = rs_info.getInt("LastRec");

But it stops at the "queryPagedRecords = rs_info.getInt("TotalRec");"

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.


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