Mark Thomas wrote:
Pid wrote:
On 23/10/2009 15:25, André Warnier wrote:
Well, let's get to the bottom of this.
When Tomcat gets a request, does it :
1) figure immediately that it has only one Host, and thus not even look
at the "Host:" header, and respond with the one and only default Host ?
2) first look at the Host header, try to find a matching Host or Alias,
and only default to the default Host if it has /not/ found a matching
Host name or Alias ?
I'd guess 2.


Hmm ?

Gee, if only you could look at the source code to find out...


Sorry Mark, I did just now, and figure that it must be happening somewhere around line 600 of that piece of art, but my Java knowledge is too limited to figure out what exactly it is doing.
I get the feeling it's (2), but then..
So come on, tell us : (1) or (2) ?

If it happened to be (2), then one could argue that adding an <Alias> matching the real "Host:" of the calls, is actually slightly faster than not doing so.
One would just love to catch Chuck some time..

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