I am sure this issue would have come up before, but after struggling with this for several hours not and not having found anything I might as well as for help.

When I deploy my application on Tomcat 6.0.18 it all works just fine, however after upgrading to Tomcat 6.0.20 I get the following exception

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 3 in the jsp file: /menu.jspf
LinkedHashMap cannot be resolved to a type
1: <%...@page import="java.util.*"%>
2: <%!
3: LinkedHashMap<String,String> menuItems = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
5: public void jspInit()
6: {

I am using JDK 1.6.0_15 on Linux, but have tried using different JDKs and many other things. I also tried moving the tools.jar to the lib folder as was suggested on several posts I found online, but this didn't make any difference. Only after downgrading back to 6.0.18 it worked. The "missing" class (java.util.LinkedHashMap) has been present in the JDK since 1.4 I believe and I don't even have a JDK older than that, so it's not a JDK version issue.

Any suggestion would really help me out a lot.

Kind regard

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