Gerwood Stewart wrote:
> Elli 
> I understand most of this. I do several things such as forcing a GC before 
> doing the heap dump, from what you are say this may not be enough?
> Either way I'm not looking for an instance of the class to simply be there 
> I'm looking at the GC Roots.
> I also tried an additional step of after undeploying and finding I still had 
> 2 GC roots I did a redeploy/undeploy. The results are:
> redeploy WebappClassLoader +1 (total 3) 
> undeploy WebappClassLoader -1 (total 2)
> So generally the behaviour appears to be correct after the initial issue with 
> the 1 class loader. It would also appear that at that point some form of GC 
> has occured and cleaned up other instances. What I'm left with is that the 
> rogue instance is is reachable and that it probably shouldn't be. As per the 
> response to Mark and the JDK version it appears the gcroot is though 
> sun.awt.AppContext
> Any thoughts?
> Additionally I'm going to try and find a slightly old version of java and 
> check it's behaviour...

I'll save you the effort. You won't see it in 1.6.0_14 and earlier.


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