Am Fri, 13 Nov 2009 16:29:22 +0100
schrieb Marie-Christine Lagasquie <>:

> Of course, the file "/usr/local/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml" has been
> modified before running Tomcat and now contains :
> -----------------------------------------------
> <tomcat-users>

This is the start of a comment:
> <!--

>   <role rolename="tomcat"/>
>   <role rolename="role1"/>
>   <role rolename="manager"/>
>   <role rolename="admin"/>
>   <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
>   <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
>   <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
>   <user username="chef" password="chtomcat" roles="manager,admin"/>

..and this the end:
> -->

> </tomcat-users>

BTW: If the system can be accessed from the www you should leave out the
standard-users tomcat, both and role1.


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