On 16/11/2009 13:39, Martin Gainty wrote:

i think i will buy in UK as the price is only 2.29 (excl VAT)
can you post html to demo JDBC parameters?
any advantages for returning JSON over plain text?

Early start this week, chaps, a triple shuffle from Martin to open.
I'll follow with:- Auf seinen Nasen schreitet einher das Nasobēm.


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Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 12:28:30 +0100
Subject: Re: Deployment specific configuration - best practice
From: rosenberg.l...@googlemail.com
To: users@tomcat.apache.org

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Rainer Frey<rainer.f...@inxmail.de>  wrote:

I'm preparing a sample webapp for this list to illustrate a problem that I
have with JDBC driver loading in a servlet. Anyone who'd try this would need
to edit the jdbc connection data to test with a local DB. What is the easiest
method for you to configure a webapp that I'll provide?

  * settings as init params in web.xml
  * settings in /META-INF/context.xml (both ways you'd need to upack, edit,
repack and deploy)
  * a separate context file along with the war file
  * any other idea?

It may be an overkill for this concrete scenario, but take a look at
ConfigureMe configuration framework:
https://configureme.dev.java.net in particular:



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