Peter Chen wrote:

I meet one problem of OutOfMemoryError when I am running the
Tomcat5.5.26. The OS is Solaris 10 sparc, and the JVM version is, and following is the detail of stack information.

SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create
new native thread) executing,

Has anyone met this problem? Please give me some advice, thanks in

Well, it seem that you are running out of memory.
The helpful thing to do then, would be to provide some information about how much memory is being given to your JVM to run in. Such as : how much memory does your system have, and what are the memory-related parameters used to start the JVM in which your Tomcat runs. And maybe the output of a "ps" or "top" like command, showing how much memory is really being used by Java.

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