Am Mon, 30 Nov 2009 08:02:41 -0800 (PST)
schrieb Thomas Moorer <>:

> I have been thinking about upgrading my Tomcat 6.0.16
> instance to the latest 6.0.20. I have been thinking about the best way
> to do that. I have modified several config and shell files and suppose
> I could just copy those to the 6.0.20 instance, but then I began to
> wonder if I could just update the Tomcat specific files in my current
> install location.

Usually (!) it should be enough if you copy the files from conf/ and
bin/ (and your application, of course) to the new apache-tomcat-tree.

> Is it acceptable as an upgrade method to just
> copy the 6.0.20/lib/*.jar files into the existing 6.0.16/lib
> directory?

It depends on how "clean" your installation is. If you have put
additional jars into the apache-tomcat/lib/ - directory in the past
this might be the better way. Of course this isn't good practice
because application specific jars should be installed unter

Running Unix/Linux I prefer another practice. In the home-dir of the
tomcat-"User" I create a skeleton similar to the following:

~/tomcat/webapps/bsps -> ../default/webapps/examples
~/tomcat/webapps/docs -> ../default/webapps/docs
~/tomcat/webapps/manager -> ../default/webapps/manager
~/tomcat/webapps/ROOT -> ../../ROOT
~/tomcat/lib -> default/lib
~/tomcat/logs -> ../logs
~/tomcat/default -> /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.20

Under /opt I install the Tomcat-versions out of the... tar.gz-archive:

After this preparation changing to another tomcat-version is just a
deletion and re-creation of the symbolic link "default" 
( ~/tomcat/default -> /opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.20 ) and you roll back
to an older version the same way.

In this setup your configuration and scripting under tomcat/conf/ and
tomcat/bin/ is left untouched and the factory-installation of tomcat
under /opt is left untouched as well. 

By setting links under tomcat/ to default/xyz/ you tell your
installation to take the factory-default and by replacing the links to
a separate directory (like tomcat/conf/) you can customize your
installation. Of course you have to pay attention that your customized
directories stay compatible if you made a Tomcat-update by exchanging
the links as described above but usually there is no need to change

Maybe this principle works under MS-Windows as well. I read that MS is
offering symbolic links since WinXP-SP2 but I have not much experience
with their OS.


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