Thanks Juha,

> Yes, context root will be served, as will be other folders under
> context root. WEB-INF and its subfolders are safe, from the container
> (Tomcat) point-of-view. Note however, that you as web application
> developer can break this safety mechanism: a servlet can be
> programmed to read a file from within WEB-INF and serve the contents
> to the Internet. If such a servlet contains a bug that allows intruder
> to freely choose a file, instead of strictly providing one of
> predefined files, then it could be that an intruder could read any
> file within WEB-INF.

Well Thanks for valuable tip, I will keep in this mind.

> You could store the database access information in a plain-text file,
> but then, you could also store them as web-application context
> parameters in WEB-INF/web.xml file. Or you could set up a proper
> JNDI database resource, but perhaps that's something that can be
> left for a bit later on the learning curve.
aha a new area to study, I will try to find out more on JNDI.

>> BTW can u suggest some good book/study material on tomcat for a newbie.
> Even though it is not intended as such, I would like to recommend the
> Servlet specification available from Sun. That document describes what
> you can expect from a servlet container (such as Tomcat).
> --

I will read this first to get hang of tomcat, yes its necessary to know how
tomcat behaves before I write some web application i.e. some servlets
and applets/jsps.

Thanks once again


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