Ken Bowen wrote:
Can you use url-rewriting ( to get what you want:

/secure/yyy  -->  /formauth/secure/yyy  -->  Form based auth


On Dec 9, 2009, at 4:07 PM, Anthony Jay wrote:

Hi All,

Ok, my try here. And by the same token - haha - I will give a chance to Chris to jump in.

- there is (preferably) one application. As Chuck is saying, it should not care /how/ the user was authenticated, just that he is.
That's just a getRemoteUser() for you, isn't it?

- unfortunately, the Holy Servlet Spec does not foresee nor allow that 2 alternative methods of authentication would be used. It's either "form-based" or "Basic" (at least for container-based authentication). So the hell with the Servlet Spec and container-based authentication, let's turn our own.

- but, as far as I recall, Anthony has, as users, humans who are capable of filling-in a form, but also stupid programs who cannot and can only do basic. The humans can however (mostly) be distinguished from the machines in some way (preferably by the URL they request).

This looks to me the perfect case for a servlet filter.

The filter applies to all requests to the webapp.

It examines the request, and first it must determine if this request is already authenticated.

A) that is the case if :

- the request itself contains an "Authorization:" header. This would mean that whatever it is on the other side has already gone through Basic authentication once for this same realm, and is resending the authentication "token" along with the request.
(In other words, it is a machine, or a human posing as one).
Then, the job consists of Base64-decoding the header value, retrieve the user-id, and tell Tomcat what it is. (funnily, I don't know how to do that). And of course we let the request go through to the application.
(We may also want to check these credentials, if it is not too heavy).


- the request contains an authentication cookie (header). I'm not quite sure what the security level desired is here. But I suppose that if Basic authentication is one of the options, it cannot be that high, or else all this goes through HTTPS. The job then consists of interpreting this authentication cookie, extract a user-id from it (or from something saved on the server side), and tell Tomcat about it (which I still don'tknow how to do, but Chris will know).
And of course we let the request go through to the application.
(We may also want to check these credentials, if it is not too heavy, and if we do not trust the user not to mess around with the cookies).
We also make a note to send an (updated?) cookie along with the response.

B) Neither of the above is true, so the request is not authenticated.

We have to decide if this request is or not the post of an authentication form (unless /login e.g. is a separate webapp).

- If it is, we need to retrieve the form parameters, and check the credentials. If they don't fit, return the same login form.
If they do fit, retrieve the user-id and tell Tomcat about it.
Also make a note that a cookie will have to be sent along with the response.
We also redirect the request to the URL which the user wanted in the first place, and which we smartly saved before.

- If it is not (a login form), then it is a "normal" request from either a human or a program (the URL tells us). - If from a user, return a login form. In that login form, smartly save the URL which the user wanted, but which he is not getting as long as he doesn't show his credentials. - If from a program, return a 401 response (AAA required), and let the remote program deal with it.

There are a couple of restrictions to the scheme (such as the fact that the first human request should not be a POST with a body; and there is no logout; and I kind of skipped roles here).
Any comments ?

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