Bill Barker wrote:
> "Mario Splivalo" <> wrote in message 
> Tomcat also supports ant-style variable replacement, so using that then 
> Ken's example would look like:
>   <context-param>
>      <param-name>baseprefix</param-name>
>      <param-value>${BPVAL}</param-value>
>   </context-param>
> where BPVAL is a Java system property (that can be set in 
> for example).

And, those can be used also in apps context.xml?

> Of course, this only works for Tomcat.  Ken's suggestion will work on any 
> servlet container. 

Yes, in the long run I'll stick to those, but since we're only using
Tomcat for now it would be much easier not to fiddle with ant.

Thank you all!


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