sorry forgot where...

both commands work from console/terminal

or you can add them to your personal bash-config file. put 'em at the
end of

or you can add them to the startup-script of tomcat as first lines


or if you have root access to 

or      /etc/profile

personally I created a file 


containing these 3 lines

        1       #!/bin/bash
        2       export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.5.0_174              
        3       export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/Tomcat5.5.17

then made it executable using

        > chmod 755 /opt/

and added 


at the end of my personal bash-config file.

Am Freitag, den 18.12.2009, 04:32 -0800 schrieb VinayTJ:
> Hi all,
> I am new to linux. I wanted to install tomcat on Linux machine.
> i have placed tomcat5.5 in opt/tomcat directory.
> Now the system is expecting to set the enviornmental variables.
> where and how can i set the same? (CATALINA_HOME and JAVA_HOME)
> Thanks,
> Vinay

Ingo Gambin

Brilliant Vorsorge GmbH 
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D-40211 Düsseldorf 

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