On 24/12/2009 12:39, André Warnier wrote:
SRama wrote:
Dear All,
I am using my application in Spanish language computer but when I start
tomcat server it shows grove Catalina started.

GRAVE: Error inicializando punto final (endpoint)
java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketBind(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.bind(Unknown Source)
at java.net.ServerSocket.bind(Unknown Source)
GRAVE: El conector Coyote no ha sido arrancado

I suppose that when you mention "grove Catalina" above, what you really
mean is "GRAVE: ....".
In Spanish, that means "SEVERE" or "FATAL".
And the error messages which you are seeing basically mean that Tomcat
cannot start, because it cannot open its listening socket(s), because
either they are already in use, or maybe because it does not have the
appropriate permission to open these sockets.

There a couple of additional points to make here :
Tomcat allows some localisation of the error messages, and will display
logs and/or messages in other languages, when started under a different
locale or with different JVM startup options.
But, this being an english-language user help list, you would have many
more chances to get help, if you started this Tomcat "in English", so
that the majority of people here can understand the messages and help
you with them.

 > But I want to know one thing
 > server console output will show Server: Catalina started

This is not really understandable. Can you try again to explain what you
mean ?

And, this time, specify also the full Tomcat version, the platform, the
JVM version, and how exactly you are starting Tomcat.
All of these are important, to provide you with good help.

Port 0 (zero) seems odd.
What have you set in your server.xml?


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