Thanks for the quick reply - That was exactly what I did and it worked.

The problem is that now we have two web apps, each needs to access different 
drive, each drive has different user access control list - in this case, 
running Tomcat using one user will only make one app work, while fail another 
(for security reason, we cannot allow one user to access both drives).

So looks like I have to run two Tomcat instances?


> Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 10:48:49 +0000
> Subject: Re: How to access files in network drive
> From:
> To:
> 2010/1/3 WM C <>
> > In my web app, I need to read files from a network drive folder, which has
> > access restriction (my account is permitted).
> >
> > During development time, since I am using Eclipse and Tomcat is integrated
> > inside, so both were run under my account, everything works fine, but when
> > deployed onto a testing server, where Tomcat runs using a system account,
> > file access was denied.
> >
> > How to resolve this problem? Is there a way when accessing file, I can pass
> > in a user identity as parameter, or "log on" first just like access
> > database? Seems java File API does not have this option.
> >
> > Java is intended to be portable to different OSs.  Some don't allow what
> you want, so the File API doesn't provide it.
> You will have to resolve the problem through configuration.  Run Tomcat on
> the testing server as a user that has access to the network drive folder.
> You could do this either by changing the user ID under which Tomcat runs on
> the testing server, or by granting the test Tomcat's user ID access to the
> network drive folder.
> - Peter
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