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On 1/13/2010 5:51 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 13/01/2010 22:47, Tero Karttunen wrote:
>> Thank you for another reply, Chris! I was secretly hoping that
>> somebody would stand up and tell me that I have missed something
>> obvious, but the more I look into this issue, the messier it seems.
>> But let's not get ahead of things.
>> I apologize for the inconsistency in the log lines I posted in my
>> earlier message. I had tried to replace (and anonymize) the URL path
>> elements with s/ts_core_virtual_repository/contextroot/,
>> s/TeamCenterEmulator/subcontext/ and s/geek/localhost/, but I had
>> obviously missed some references. Sorry for the confusion. Even though
>> the cat's out of the bag, I will stick to the replacements for
>> consistency's sake.
> Just a thought, mod_jk doesn't always play nicely with other modules if
> those modules try to manipulate the URI. Have you tried mod_proxy_http?

mod_alias appears to be hosing the URL in this case, so I don't think
switching to mod_proxy_http would help.

On the other hand, simply switching from using mod_alias + mod_jk to
mod_proxy_http only would allow re-mapping of the URL and proxying all
in one step:

ProxyPass /sites http://localhost/contextroot/subcontext/sites
ProxyPassReverse /sites http://localhost/contextroot/subcontext/sites

Such a setup would avoid the trip through mod_alias and, potentially
avoid the broken URL.

- -chris
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