
I am using IIS7 and I am  currently trying to get the "Integrated Windows 
Authentication" to work.  Meaning, I want to use the already authenticated 
user.  The connector works ok in an internet web app.

I need to now create an Intranet app with "Integrated Windows Authentication".  
I have set the widows authentication in ISS7 to be enabled but when I get to my 
web app java filter, the request.getRemoteUser() is always null.

It appears that the userPrincipal information is not coming through in the 

My app server is JBoss, and my web server is IIS7.

Is there anything that I need to do in either JBoss or the connector to get 
windows auth to work?

Do I need a <login-config> attribute in my xml for this?  Or do I have to 
create a special login module in Jboss?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Luis Esquivel

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