Auth Gábor wrote:

I've found a potential bug in the Basic Authentication module. I have users and some user's username is contains national characters (encoded in UTF-8). The HTTP header based authentication is fails when the username or the password contains multibyte characters.

The root of the bug is the Base64 decoder, which decodes the Base64 stream to char array: converts each byte to individual char, this decode method corrupts the multibyte characters...

Before declaring that this is a bug, I suggest that you read the other thread entitled "mod_jk codepage in header values". The main point is : according to the HTTP RFCs, a HTTP header value is supposed to contain /only/ US-ASCII characters. Some byte values in UTF-8 encoding are /not/ valid US-ASCII characters, so strictly speaking and according to the RFC, HTTP headers which would contain them are invalid.
It's a pain, but it's (probably) not a bug.

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