2010/1/26 Hüsnü Þentürk <husnusent...@yahoo.com>

> Hi,
> In our company, we are using apache tomcat as a windows service. We defined
> jvm parameters "--JvmMs 512 --JvmMx 512" in service.bat. But application is
> using 600,980 KB memory. I expect the application not to use more then 512
> MB.
> Can you explain me, the reason of this stuation.
> You are setting the memory that Java uses to store heap objects.  That is
not the only memory Java uses.  Other uses include:
- The JVM code itself;
- Native code stacks per-thread;
- Native objects such as sockets and threads;
- Any loaded DLLs.

You have no direct way of controlling the size of any of these.  If you want
to reduce Java's memory usage, you can reduce its heap space after
monitoring what the process' overheads are.

- Peter

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