Server Version: Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.28
Server Built: Sep 28 2009 22:41:08
Server loaded APR Version: 1.3.9
Compiled with APR Version: 1.3.9
Server loaded APU Version: 1.3.9
Compiled with APU Version: 1.3.9
Module Magic Number: 20051115:23
Hostname/port: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80
Timeouts: connection: 300    keep-alive: 5
MPM Name: WinNT
MPM Information: Max Daemons: 64 Threaded: yes Forked: no
Server Architecture: 32-bit
Server Root: D:/tecracer/software/Apache
Config File: D:/tecracer/software/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
Server Built With:  -D APACHE_MPM_DIR="server/mpm/winnt"
 -D HTTPD_ROOT="/apache"
 -D SUEXEC_BIN="/apache/bin/suexec"
 -D DEFAULT_ERRORLOG="logs/error.log"
 -D AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE="conf/mime.types"
 -D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"

Server Version: Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) mod_jk/1.2.28 
Server Built: Sep 28 2009 22:41:08 


Current Time: Monday, 01-Feb-2010 08:38:14 W. Europe Standard Time 
Restart Time: Monday, 01-Feb-2010 04:58:09 W. Europe Standard Time 
Parent Server Generation: 0 
Server uptime: 3 hours 40 minutes 5 seconds 
Total accesses: 28126 - Total Traffic: 340.1 MB 
2.13 requests/sec - 26.4 kB/second - 12.4 kB/request 
44 requests currently being processed, 1656 idle workers

Listing Load Balancing Worker (1 Worker) [Hide]


[S|E|R]  Worker Status for loadbalancer
Type Sticky Sessions Force Sticky Sessions Retries LB Method Locking Recover 
Wait Time Error Escalation Time Max Reply Timeouts [Hide] 
lb True False 3 Busyness Optimistic 60 30 0  

Good Degraded Bad/Stopped Busy Max Busy Next Maintenance Last Reset [Hide] 
2 0 0 0 70 74/196 13277  

Balancer Members [Hide]
Name Type Hostname Address:Port Connection Pool Timeout Connect Timeout Prepost 
Timeout Reply Timeout Retries Recovery Options Max Packet Size [Hide] 
worker1 ajp13 k0.domain.local xxx.xxx.x.78:8010 0 0 0 0 2 0 8192  
worker2 ajp13 k1.domain.local xxx.xxx.x.77:8010 0 0 0 0 2 0 8192  

  Name Act State D F M V Acc Err CE RE Wr Rd Busy Max Route RR Cd Rs LR LE 
[S|E|R]  worker1 ACT OK 0 100 1 0 425 (1/sec) 0 0 0 264K (908 /sec) 1.6M 
(5.3K/sec) 0 5 worker1     0/0 298   
[S|E|R]  worker2 ACT OK 0 100 1 0 2257 (0/sec) 112 24 0 1.3M (104 /sec) 17M 
(1.3K/sec) 0 11 worker2     0/0 13277   

Alexander Diedler

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mark Thomas [mailto:ma...@apache.org] 
Gesendet: Sonntag, 31. Januar 2010 18:55
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: Re: Tomcat Cluster 6.x and HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

On 31/01/2010 17:50, Alexander Diedler wrote:
> Hello,
> We spend a lot of time to investigate the mistake, but I would not be found 
> by us. We have two Virtual Machines with Windows 2003 R2 Standard Edition and 
> on every node there is a Apache 2.2.14 and Tomcat 6.0.20 (and tcnative 
> installed) with mod_jk 1.2.28 (all 32 Bit) installed.
> After a period (hours up to a day) we receive on every application a 503 
> error through the Webserver.
> The Apache seems to work fine, jkmanager, htdocs, server-info and 
> server-status can be opened and the apps seems can be accessed by HTTP 
> Connector Port 8080.
> Is there are any idea, what is the problem in this case? Any suggestions, 
> what we can improve to avoid this errors.

Hard to tell with out any configuration info. At a guess, more httpd
threads than AJP threads and unused connections not being closed quickly
enough. Try fixing your timeouts or use
JkOptions     +DisableReuse


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