Em 01/02/2010, às 09:04, Mark Thomas escreveu:

> On 01/02/2010 10:52, Fernando Morgenstern wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to find out how can i deploy an application on all nodes at a 
>> Tomcat 6 cluster.
>> Basically i have this on my server.xml:
>> <Deployer className="org.apache.catalina.ha.deploy.FarmWarDeployer"
>>                    tempDir="/tmp/war-temp/"
>>                    deployDir="/tmp/war-deploy/"
>>                    watchDir="/tmp/war-listen/"
>>                    watchEnabled="false"/>
>> Does it means, that i have to move my war file to /tmp/war-deploy and it 
>> will be deployed on all nodes?
> I was about to say check the docs and a found this:
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/cluster-deployer.html
> Anyone fancy writing a documentation patch? The Javadoc also needs updating.
> From a quick scan of the code:
> watchDir - the directory where we watch for changes - put your WAR to
> deploy here
> deployDir - the directory where we install applications
> tempDir - a temporaryDirectory to store binary data when downloading a
> war from the cluster

Thanks for your quick answer.

I changed watchEnabled to true and downloaded this sample war ( 
https://sec1.woopra.com/docs/appdev/sample/ ) into /tmp/war-listen/ but it is 
not listed at list applications on tomcat manager. I found the following 
entries on catalina.out:

INFO: check cluster wars at /tmp/war-listen
Feb 1, 2010 12:37:18 PM org.apache.catalina.ha.deploy.FarmWarDeployer 
INFO: Installing webapp[/sample] from /tmp/war-deploy/sample.war
Feb 1, 2010 12:37:18 PM org.apache.catalina.ha.deploy.FarmWarDeployer remove
INFO: Cluster wide remove of web app /sample
Feb 1, 2010 12:37:38 PM org.apache.catalina.ha.deploy.WarWatcher check
INFO: check cluster wars at /tmp/war-listen
Feb 1, 2010 12:37:58 PM org.apache.catalina.ha.deploy.WarWatcher check
INFO: check cluster wars at /tmp/war-listen

Any ideas of what i am doing wrong?

Also, does this /tmp/war* paths needs to be shared between all nodes on the 
cluster ( Eg.: using glusterfs or another distributed filesystem ) or does 
tomcat takes care of this? 

Best Regards,

Fernando Marcelo

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