As a further info, I've executed the:

service.bat install

but if I try to start it from the Tomcat Monitor, the service doesn't start and in the Eventi Viewer I can find
the following error message by the Windows Service Control Manager:

The Apache Tomcat 6 service terminated with service-specific error 0 (0x0).

----- Original Message ----- From: "Domenico Marzilli" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:12 AM
Subject: Tomcat 6.0.24 and Windows x64

Good morning,
I've already searched inside the preFAQs for my issue and didn't find anything.

By the way, the page:
that seems to be useful for my isssue, returns a 'Internal server error'.

I should migrate my Tomcat 6 environment from a 32bit to a 64bit Windows OS (Windows Server3003 Enterprise x64), use it as a service and use its native libs.
After installing the 64bit JVM, i downloaded the zip file:

an unzipped it.
Neither the tomcat6.exe nor the tomcat6w.exe file runs.
I found somewhere several, more or less reliable workarounds to let it run, but I'd like to know if there is a standardized way to install Tomcat6 on a 64bit OS as a service and use the native libs.
I would be useful a Windows installer, like for the 32bit version.

Thanks in advance
Domenico Marzilli

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