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On 2/2/2010 6:59 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com]
>> Subject: Re: Still unable to get a heap dump from Tomcat running on
>> Windows as a service
>> I guess that phrases like that one explain why one talks about the Art
>> of computer programming, and not the Science of ditto.
> Knuth knew whereof he spoke. Having been at this a long time, and
> holding a mechanical engineering degree, I always get a laugh (or get
> upset) when someone uses the term "software engineer".

Would you prefer "software warlock"? I consider software to be a "black"
art, as opposed to a "fine" one.

>> the subject of every post contains a funny character between "as"
>> and "a service", except for Chuck's posts, which don't.
> That's because I try to remember to delete the silly tab character
> that somebody's mailer keeps inserting...

Yeah, I guess some mailers choke on correctly-formatted SMTP messages.
The "funny character" is a newline plus a space, which is the correct
way to encode "more data" after the recommended 78-character limit has
been reached.

I use tb 3.0.1 and I see nothing "funny" at all, and don't have to
remove anything from the subject line.

- -chris
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