Thank you,

I guess session is created since a user could change preferred
language..  In a portal is basic stuff. Then you need session since page
one. We write JSR168 portlets on top of the Liferay portal ..

It's really an useful feature.

Thanks for your time, we look forward for tomcat 7 I guess a beta will
be released soon.


On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 14:50 +0000, Mark Thomas wrote:

> On 09/02/2010 14:31, Marian Simpetru wrote:
> > Question is: Is there a way to configure tomcat to only use cookies (not
> > append jsessionid to URL for cookie0less browsers). I've been told Jetty
> > or resin is configurable in this aspect.
> There will be in Tomcat 7 onwards. Prior to that, using jsessionid in
> the URL was mandated by the spec.
> > Also the name ' JSESSIONID' is configurable?
> Yes. See
> > Maybe a better idea would be that someone from Apache Tomcat should push
> > to google with some standards tomcat implement in this respect so that
> > google change the algorithm and not punish with low ranking websites
> > powered by tomcat.
> I don't think this is Google's problem. If a site doesn't need sessions,
> it shouldn't be using them. If the framework being used forces the use
> of sessions then the framework needs fixing.
> > Any other suggestion?
> Don't use sessions.
> Mark
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