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One post is sufficient: we all got a copy.

On 2/13/2010 8:48 AM, Munirathinavel wrote:
> I'm using Tomcat 6.0.18 & apache2.2 server & I need to know configure my
> server.xml & context.xml for high performance & heavy traffic.

It's always best to have the most up-to-date version of your software.
Tomcat 6.0.24 is available: you might want to consider using that in
your testing environment from here on out.

How do you connect Apache httpd to Tomcat? What purpose does httpd serve?

>   <GlobalNamingResources>
>     <Resource name="UserDatabase" auth="Container"
>               type="org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase"
>               description="User database that can be updated and saved"
>               factory="org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabaseFactory"
>               pathname="conf/tomcat-users.xml" />
>   </GlobalNamingResources>

Do you need this UserDatabase in here? I wouldn't use that in production.

>   <Service name="Catalina">
>       <Connector port="8009" debug="0" enableLookups="false" 
> protocol="AJP/1.3"
>        maxThreads="120" minSpareThreads="30" maxSpareThreads="60"
> reloadable="false" connectionTimeout="20000"  
>         redirectPort="8443"/> 

Here's where things get interesting:

Does 120 simultaneous connections sound like a reasonable load for your
webapp? What kinds of loads do you /want/ to be able to handle?

If you need to be able to handle huge amounts of traffic, you might want
to consider removing Apache httpd from your setup. You haven't said what
you use it for: some people use it work static content hosting, which
isn't a good enough reason. Others use it for load balancing, which you
haven't mentioned so I assume you aren't. Some folks, like me, use it to
direct traffic to more than one instance of Tomcat when a hardware
load-balancer isn't available. If you aren't doing any of these things,
then get rid of httpd: it's just slowing things down.

If you have a lot of keepalive requests, consider using the NIO
connector which doesn't tie up request processing threads while waiting
for the 3nd, 3rd, etc. request on the same connection. If you need to
send large static files, definitely consider using the APR connector
with sendFile="true". If you need SSL, also consider using the APR
connector, as the OpenSSL-based SSL implementation is faster than the
one you get with the Java provider.

Finally, the use of an <Executor> is usually recommended because those
thread pools can dynamically size themselves. The standard <Connector>
thread pools, for whatever reason, will only create new threads... they
won't take them out of service. An <Executor> can keep the thread pool
lean and mean.

>     <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="***********">
>         <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
>              resourceName="UserDatabase"/>


>       <Host name="***********"  appBase="gateway"
>             unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
>             xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
>                       <Listener className = 
> "org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig"
> workersConfig="conf/workers.properties"
> mod_Jk="D:/Apache2.2/modules/mod_jk.so" jkLog="logs/mod_jk.log"
> jkDebug="info" noRoot="false"/>
>       </Host>
>               <Listener className = "org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig"
> workersConfig="conf/workers.properties"
> mod_Jk="D:/Apache2.2/modules/mod_jk.so" jkLog="logs/mod_jk.log"
> jkDebug="info" noRoot="false"/> 
>     </Engine>
>   </Service>
>       <Listener className = "org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig"
> workersConfig="conf/workers.properties"
> mod_Jk="D:/Apache2.2/modules/mod_jk.so" jkLog="logs/mod_jk.log"
> jkDebug="info" noRoot="false"/>

You probably don't want to use the ApacheConfig listener: just write
your own mod_jk configuration files. You certainly don't need /three/ of

>       <Resource name="jdbc/vehrentDB" auth="Container"
>               type="javax.sql.DataSource" 
>               maxActive="100"

Only you can decide what settings are best for your webapp. Here are
some things to think about:

1. You have 120 max threads, meaning a maximum of 120 simultaneous
connections to handle. Your database connection pool is configured for
100 connections. What percentage of your requests do /not/ require
database access? If the answer is lower than about 20%, then you
probably want to make your maxThreads and maxActive closer to each
other. Otherwise, request threads will block waiting for database

There are good reasons to limit your database connection pool size: if
your database is not particularly high-performance, then you might want
users to wait. It's just something to think about.

>       <Resource name="jdbc/empowerDB" auth="Container"
>               type="javax.sql.DataSource" 
>               maxActive="100"

If you have 2 databases, I might think about the ratio of connections
used for each database: if the usage is roughly 50/50, maybe you want
only 60 connections in each database connection pool. Reducing from 100
to 60 connections to your database might eliminate some overhead that's
not needed.

Then again, if your pool size is set that high and the ratio really is
50/50, then you'll end up with an effective pool size of 60 connections,
anyway, since the pool won't create connections it doesn't need.

You haven't said a word about your application, so it would be helpful
to know what it's supposed to do, in general.

You also haven't mentioned anything about current load versus ideal or
target load. Nothing about memory requirements, numbers of concurrent
sessions you'd like to support, or average sizes of sessions.

If you provide some of that information, we may be able to give you
further tips. Everything above is just kind of generic.

In general, Tomcat is quite fast in it's default configuration. I would
take a wild-ass guess that, for any non-trivial web application, Tomcat
configuration can only account for somewhere around 10% of performance
advantages... and that's mostly with the <Connector> configuration under
heavy loads. It's most likely that, when there is a performance problem,
that your web application is going to be the "problem".

Good luck,
- -chris
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