Thanks Mark, that was a quick response!
I had a feeling that would be a case, for some reason I was under the
impression you could separate the locations.
Batch file it is then
Thanks again

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas [] 
Sent: 24 February 2010 11:41
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Multiple Tomcat servers, one war location

On 24/02/2010 11:31, James Law wrote:
> Hi
> My googlefoo seems to be lacking here as I'm unable to find any info
> how I could set this up.
> In essence I have multiple machines in a cluster and ideally I'd like
> have a central network share for war files to be kept. As it would
> me copying an updated war file to each individual machine, and means I
> know they are all using the same war version.

WAR files served directly from network shares are usually a bad idea...

> Obviously keeping the exploded folder on the local machine.

... as you have realised. There is, unfortunately, no easy way to split 
the WAR location and the DIR location.

> Can anyone give me assistance or maybe a better way of implementing
> this? Or even just point me to the place I need to be reading.
> All machines are running WinXP and Tomcat 6.0.24

I'd do something along the lines of the following:
- have the WARs in a shared location
- run a script every x minutes on each server that polls the share and 
copies any updated WARs to the local appBase

You could extend this to remove deleted WARs etc but be sure to handle 
the error case of the share being down correctly.



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